The Exide Premium EA472 is a reliable and powerful battery designed for use in a wide range of vehicles. It offers excellent starting power and a long service life, making it a popular choice among drivers.

One of the standout features of the EA472 is its advanced calcium technology, which helps to provide improved performance and longer service life. The battery is also designed with a maintenance-free design, which means that it requires little to no maintenance over its lifetime.

With a CCA rating of 450, the EA472 offers ample starting power even in colder temperatures. Its reserve capacity of 90 minutes also ensures that it can provide reliable performance over extended periods of use.

Overall, the Exide Premium EA472 is a great choice for drivers looking for a reliable and long-lasting battery for their vehicle. Its advanced technology, excellent performance, and low-maintenance design make it a standout option in its price range.

Voltage 12 Volts
Technology Wet
Capacity (C20) 47 Ah
CCA (EN) 450 A
Length 207 mm
Width 175 mm
Height inc. terms 175 mm
Guarantee 4 Years
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