Is there anything worst than your car battery dies when you’re desperately rushing your way to work? Almost everyone had experience this frustrating moment at least once. Basically, this happens because of two reasons. One is due to negligence when you left the lights on overnight, and second, when you fail to conduct proper maintenance on the battery since battery condition erodes over time. Considering the latter, most people fall for an urban myth. It is a misconception about lead-acid batteries in cars. This article presents 8 of the most common myths about car batteries and a truth at the end.

The 8 Myths about Car Batteries

1. To store the battery on a concrete pavement will discharge it.

Well, about 100 years ago, batteries are in a wooden case and would really discharge when put on concrete. But now, batteries are securely sealed in plastic so there will be no unintended leakage.

2. Under any circumstances, driving a car will fully recharge its battery.

This may be partly true but it will take several hours of constant driving at highway speed. It is wiser to use a battery charger.

READ:  A Comprehensive Guide on How to Charge a Mercedes Auxiliary Battery

3. Ignite the headlights to warm up the battery before starting the engine during cold days.

Actually you can warm up the battery by increasing consumption and before you know it, you might have used the last bit of power before starting the car.

4. Lead-acid batteries have memory.

Absolutely, there is no memory effect in lead-acid batteries, making them work so well with cars. It’s only because of aging cells or poor maintenance when they seem to lose capacity already.

5. A higher capacity battery will damage the car.

Car applications will not consume all of the capacity but only takes as much as they need. Having a higher capacity battery will not impose any damage.

6. The battery polarity will not be changed once it is formed.

You can change its polarity. When it’s completely unloaded, the battery is able to reverse polarity during initial charge.

7. A car battery retains its power even when stored.

READ:  How to Check a Car Battery with a Multimeter and Load Tester

Batteries are expected to discharge at a rate of 1-25% per month so that is normal.

8. Defective car batteries will not affect the loading or starting.

Loading and starting can be affected by a weak or defective battery. If you plan on replacing the parts such as battery, alternator, voltage regulator or power, make sure that all of the components are in good condition.

If you believe on these myths, most likely you will have your car a bad maintenance and that is a serious problem. Improper maintenance of your car battery will shorten its life span, decreasing efficiency and possibly, suddenly die on you. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

There is just one truth about car batteries, that is, “Preventive maintenance is an easy task. It should be done once a month in warm periods and change the oil of the engine during periods of low temperatures.” It’s more like prevention is better than cure.