RV’s and cars do not require the same power, so it makes perfect sense that their batteries also differ. A car battery is supposed to provide a significant amount of energy for only a short time. The car actually needs a lot of energy only for several seconds, until the engine starts. Once this happens, the used energy is replaced by the alternator. On the contrary, RV batteries are meant to provide small amounts of energy for longer span of time. They are also known as deep cycle batteries. It is impossible to use car batteries for RV’s, because they will be drained instantly.

The main difference between car and RV batteries is in the way they are constructed. RV batteries have a dense active material and thick plates. Envelope separators and glass mat are being used for protecting the active material against damage of all sorts. Car batteries on the other hand need to deliver energy at a faster rate and have porous active material and thin plates in order to be able to do so.

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The charging method of car batteries and RV batteries is also different. Once the engine of a car starts working, the battery is charged from the alternator. This takes the power produced by the working engine, converts it into electrical power, and charges the battery. If the alternator breaks, it depletes the battery instead of charging it. RV batteries on the other hand need to be charged regularly with a 10-25 amp charger. They are best to be charged in less than 24 hours after using them, so they do not freeze. It is also important to avoid overcharging them and to add distilled water if needed in order to increase the lifespan of the battery.